SundaySchool starts at 9:45 am every Sunday Morning. We use the curriculum Bible Studies for Life. We have a
2&3 Year Old Class
4, 5, & Kindergarten Class
1st - 3rd Grade Class
4th - 5th Grade Class
Children's Church is during our morning worship for 4 years old - 6 years old. They are released from Morning Worship after the Worship time.
We also have Extended Class for 2 & 3 year olds that happen during the entire morning worship
Team Kid is our Wednesday Night program for Kids 4 years old - 5th Grade. This is a time of discipleship for our kids. We start Team Kid at 6:15 PM on Wednesday Nights.
Fall Festival
Fall Festival is our big event during October. We dress up and have a Trunk or Treat, food, face painting, video game truck, and giveaways.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is our big Kids event during the Summer. The times for VBS are 1-4 PM and it is intended for kids 4 years old to 5th Grade.